pp/p401s彈性體,, 系列pmma dq 501,、tpe tc7pan,、pc/abs ext100,、pc 301-10,、evoh e105b,、pc 943 805234,、pc/abs dn-3510f、pc/abs cy200fc、pp hm-4354 ,、
pa6 611,、lcp 3487-4pps 7a165pps xi-2008f 、pps fz-2140-b2 ,、tpee kp3372,、pp 7426mz 、pps t524a1,、as pn-107,、pp ra130e-1498、tpu 48-60/30,、
tpe tc9gpzpc/abs c2950hf,、pps p-30、lcp 6130lx
as polyvinyl chloride&polyethylene, as cable materials, the electrical properties of coloring should be considered. in particular, polyvinyl chloride is more poor in its insulation than polyethylene, so the effect of pigment is greater. it shows that the ion of inorganic pigment coloring pvc is better for its electrical insulation than that of organic pigment (except for furnace black&anatase titanium dioxide).
pp/p401s彈性體,, 系列pcta mn610,、epdm 3280 、pom n109ld,、pa66 st801,、pc gn-1006fm、pp 7250u ,、pa6 ls140,、pa66 rf003h、tpe a1400,、
tpu 955u,、pc/abs c2950-76701tpv 291-60b150、pa6t ch245nk,、pa/mxd6 1022f,、eva ld144.50、tpv 8211-65,、pom w2320-0035lev,、eva da502aa、coc 8007s-04 ,、
ptfe 8apbt 2002-fr3,、eva e120a、pp 2363lc