鼎被視為傳國重器,、和權的象征,,“鼎”字也被賦予“顯赫”,、“ -”,、“盛大”等引申意義,,如:一言九鼎,、大名鼎鼎,、鼎盛時期,、鼎力相助,,等等。鼎又是旌功記績的禮器,。周代的國君或王公大臣在重大慶典或接受賞賜時都要鑄鼎,,以記載盛況。這種禮俗至今仍然有一定影響,。為慶賀-50華誕,,--于1995年10月21日在-總部,黃銅鼎,,向-贈送一尊青銅巨鼎——世紀寶鼎,。西藏和平解放50-典之際,中央-向西藏自治區(qū)贈送“-寶鼎”,,矗立于拉薩人民會堂廣場,,象征-和西藏各項事業(yè)鼎盛發(fā)展。此舉意義深遠,,文化內(nèi)涵-,。
ding is regarded as the symbol of the nation, the state&power,,&the word ding is also endowed with the extended meaning of prominence,, dignity&grandeur. for example, the word ding has nine meanings,, such as ding,, ding,, ding, ding,, ding,,銅鼎, ding,, ding,, ding, ding,, ding,, ding, ding ding is also a ritual instrument to record achievements. in the zhou dynasty,, the emperor/the prince/minister had to cast a tripod to record the grand occasion when they were celebrating/receiving a reward. this custom still has some influence. in order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the united nation,, the peoples republic of china presented a huge bronze tripod, century treasure ding,, to the united nation at its headquarters on 21 october 1995. on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of -,, the central - presented the -an autonomous region with the treasure tripod of national unity, which stands on the plaza of the lhasa peoples hall,, symbolizing national unity&the prosperous development of various undertakings in -. this action has profound significance&rich cultural connotation.
3.太保方鼎:在清朝道光,、先鋒年間出土,鼎高57.8厘米,,口徑 23×36厘米,,方形,二直耳,,折唇,淺腹,,平底,;口立雙豎耳,銅鼎批發(fā),,耳上有相峙的雙龍,;耳外側和龍身上飾鱗紋,腹部飾獸面紋和三角紋,。