shanyuan baoding design for the three tripod shape, ding high 7. 158 meters,, maximum diameter 5. its 8 meters&weighs 90 t. it had three tiers&its ears were one high. 842 meters,, ding ht= 3. 68 meters, full ht= 1. 48 meters. the tripod has eight compartments in one week,, among which six compartments are the real picture of the four famous buddhist mountains,, the panorama of the xilai temple&the jading tripod. the other two compartments are respectively inscribed with eight characters: xilai ancient temple&shanyuan baoding.
首先,上海青銅鼎,我們需要知道鼎的來歷和作用,,鼎開始的時候是古代的烹飪器具之一,,相當于現(xiàn)在的鍋,用以燉煮和盛放魚肉,。鼎還被視為傳國重器,、---權力和象征,“鼎”字也被賦予“顯赫”,、“ -”,、“盛大”等引申意義,如:一言九鼎,、大名鼎鼎,、鼎盛時期、鼎力相助,,等等,。