pa6/n150-200/噴漆 系列pc rc1700、pps ts201hs,、tpe tc5csn,、pc/abs m850xf、pc/abs c1100,、pa6 f47hnl,、pbt 4830、epdm x-3042e,、tpe te-5005h ,、
pc df-1002emmr、pa66 se25cpc/abs nh-1027hf、pp br4101,、pa6 b3z,、pbt 3315gvu、pa66 akv15h1.0,、coc e48r、pps a310m,、lcp e480i,、
pc en-1052pc/abs fr3000、tpu 3385a,、pc/abs c2805
pmma the use of colorful chassis&fully transparent chassis. whether its a full - transparente&a colorful chassis, its a computere, which is used for computer assembly. it is only that the material of thise is different from the traditionale. the two problems that affect the development of the colorful chassis&the fully transparent chassis: one is the price problem. the price of this kind of machine is higher than that of the traditional computere. in fact, the cost of thise is really higher than those of the traditional computeres, which is i-sible. if you want to make fun of the beautiful effects that the chassis turns to be colorful, it can only take more money. of course, some businesses are too high. as for the market rumors, there are a number of super low - priced, transparent&transparent chassis, which is not really a real, colorful&transparent chassis. it has one/two transparent boards on the traditional computer box, not all transparent,&the price is much lower.
pa6/n150-200/噴漆 系列pc 500r-131,、pa11 p20、pa66 fr52g35bl,、pei 2110r-7301,、pc ml3732、pa12 l2140,、pp mb006hs ,、pa66 a3x2g7、pps a610mx03,、
pom uv140lg,、pp 578ppc/abs fr3210 tv、pps xp-2150im ,、eva 1807v,、tpu gp75ae、tpe tf8taa,、pp c342m6,、pa66 rl-004、tpe tc0coz,、
tpu es90a11ppe 740v,、pc lgn2000-731、pc 3413hf
2. south korea